Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm here now !! Where's my partner?

So, I found my way onto our blog. I am so ready to help the world. I do need my partner, Monkey, however to make this work. Calling Monkey!! Answer please....Time to step out of ourselves and help others. Oh ya, I have a banana here. Ok, so I have a chocolate croissant for you instead. Now, let's get going on this blog. We know how much we know. Right?


  1. Monkeys are busy this time of year, but I am here What is the first question?

  2. Hey, thanks for showing up Monkey. I have a feeling we will be getting a question very soon. Stay close!

  3. Once Again I find myself on here alone. This is not how it is meant to be. Doesn't anyone need help out there? No profound questions, guidance needed? Wisdom is oozing out of our very pores. We are afraid to drink anything for fear even more wisdom will just ooze away from us. We'll wait. We are patient, kind, and did I mention, wise?
